Reverse Sod Swap, Opening, Springfield Park, Hackney, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Tuesday 9th July 2024

An exchange of turf between W Wales and East London by artist Mike Perry

6.00pm to 8.00pm at Springfield House, Springfield Park, London E5 9EF,

Springfield Park, 2024

For Reverse Sod Swap, 2024, Mike Perry has swapped a circle of sheep mown turf from a field in West Wales with a circle of wilded parkland in Hackney, East London. Perry has reversed David Nash’s original Sod Swap which saw David bring a ring of wild North Wales fauna to the lawn of The Serpentine Gallery in West London for The British Sculpture Show in 1983. Perry is contrasting the recent enlightened rewilding of our urban parks with decades of biodiversity loss where he lives in The Pembrokeshire National Park, Wales. He is questioning whether ‘wildness’ still exclusively resides in our Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, our National Parks.

JOIN US at Springfield Park to view the sculpture, for drinks, talks and a viewing of Mike Perry’s film of the project alongside David’s original Sod Swap drawings.

Special thanks to David Nash, The National Botanical Gardens of Wales, Hackney Volunteers, Springfield Park gardeners, Meadowmania and everyone from Culture and Heritage at Hackney Council.

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